Pedro Guillèn Cuevas

Tuesday, Septemper 20th, 2011
Gallery Gachet, 7:00 PM


Pedro Guillèn Cuevas aka Tecuani Chen (Contributing Performance Artist)
Pedro Guillèn Cuevas is an multidisciplinary artist from Veracruz, Mexico, who works in the mediums of painting, drawing, and performance art. His performance art work is inspired by the shamanic tradition of Mexico, and he works within the ritualistic tradition of performance art, with the idea of moving energy in order to promote change and healing. Guillen Cuevas make objects of spiritual power as art works in the shamanic tradition. He has created performances since 1994, and has exhibited in Mexico, Cuba and Canada. Cuevas is a past artist member of Gallery Gachet. He is currently studying an MFA at the University of Carmen, Campeche MFA (UNACAR) and has a BFA in painting and sculpture from University of Veracruz.