Images by Ash Tanasiychuk for VANDOCUMENT
Images by Ash Tanasiychuk for VANDOCUMENT
There is no bad response to art except when there kind of is.
Images by Ash Tanasiychuk for VANDOCUMENT
Images by Ash Tanasiychuk for VANDOCUMENT
Verb Frau delves into the print archive of VIVO Media Arts with special guest Crista Dahl
Images by Ash Tanasiychuk for VANDOCUMENT
LIVE! Yoga with Verb Frau is the best way to start your day. Healthy happy performance artists practice LIVE! Yoga, you can too!
Images by Ash Tanasiychuk for VANDOCUMENT
Verb Frau surveys LIVE with questions from Paul Couillard, Francisco-Fernando Granados, and Gustaf Broms.
Lights on the River of the Eternal Baby Moon Images by Ash Tanasiychuk for VANDOCUMENT