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Image: Robin Poitras from “On Oval Yellow” Neutral Ground performance festival, SPIKED.
June 2007. Photo credit: Brenda Cleniuk


Robin Poitras Regina, Canada

some times three

Presented by Chapel Arts
Curated by Brenda Cleniuk
Presented by Neutral Ground, Regina
304 Dunlevy Ave.(at Cordova)


5 PM

Location: Chapel Arts

Robin Poitras’ performance work belongs to an emergent category of interdisciplinary work informed by the rigor and discipline of dance and the austere, formalist qualities of abstraction and visual art. She uses these disciplinary points of departure to delve into the social and cultural tropes that are classically contained by myth and mythology or obscured in the vernacular by fairy tales or as dwelling in the dynamics and subterfuge foundations of psychoanalysis. Her work interrogates power and the paradigms of control that belie revolution or upheaval precisely because they operate at levels of unconscious complicity and acceptance. The new work, an audio based piece, synchs the abstract manifestation of sound as a spatial and all encompassing force with that of the human body in a work that affirms the idea of the individual as one capable of transforming presence from absence and inaction into active participation.

Robin Poitras is a Regina based dance and performance artist. Actively engaged in contemporary dance practice since the early 80ís, she co-founded New Dance Horizons in 1986, where she continues to act as Artistic Director. Robinís works have been presented across Canada, in Spain, Germany and in Mexico. A recipient of the 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2006 Mayorís Awards for Business & The Arts in Regina and the 2004 Women of Distinction Award for the Arts.