Muxux Uleu (Navel of the Earth): Version 2; South Side Community Art Center,
Chicago IL, 2007. Photograph by Dara Brady
Naufús Figueroa Chicago, USA
FREE SHUTTLE at the WESTERN FRONT leaving at 1:30 PM
Presented by Western Front
Curated by Natalie Loveless
Invited by Paul Couillard
Western Front, 303 east 8th Ave. http://www.front.bc.ca
1:30 PM
Location: Western Front – Details of Saturday's Schedule at Western Front
Naufús Figueroa will be performing a three to four hour long process-based piece inspired by the stories of his grandfather, Simeon de la Cruz, who was a ceremonial dancer and active figure in the life of the Quiche and
Ladino community of Joyabaj, Guatemala. The piece is based on research conducted in the summer of 2006 in Guatemala, speaking to people who used to dance with his great grand father and is being re-conceptualized to address Figueroa’s relation to Vancouver as a site rich with public and personal history.
Naufús Figueroa is a Guatemalan-Canadian installation, video, and performance artist. His work looks at various subjects, including racial violence, exile, ghosts, childhood.
Nauf™s Figueroa is a Guatemalan-Canadian installation, video, and performance artist. Past works include Doing Other Peopleís Cleaning (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba 2004), The
Sun is Crooked in the Sky (FADO, Toronto 2005), Colour is Emptyness (Vancouver Art Gallery, 2005), and Fatherland (Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany 2007). Nauf™s Figueroa is also a
2007 recipient of the Franklin Furnace Performance Art Fund.